// def //h1 //all
// def //h1 //all

Get to know more about me
Hey there! I'm Shay, a fresh-faced UX/UI enthusiast on a mission sprinkle a little magic into the digital world. Based in sunny Tel Aviv, I'm all about blending creativity with practicality to craft memorable user experiences.

Get to know more about me
Hey there! 👋 I'm Shay, a fresh-faced UX/UI enthusiast on a mission sprinkle a little magic into the digital world. Based in sunny Tel Aviv, I'm all about blending creativity practicality to craft memorable user experiences.

Understanding Needs and Market Research​

Last year, I proudly graduated with honors from HIT College, where I pursued my bachelor’s degree in learning technologies.

During my studies, I discovered the fascinating intersection between learning methodologies and user experience design. I believe that the ease with which users interact with a digital interface significantly impacts their overall satisfaction and productivity. As a designer, my goal is to create human-centered designs that are intuitive, adaptive, and easy to learn.

I’m deeply interested in understanding human behavior, cognition, and emotions to craft interfaces that resonate with users on a personal level. Beyond design, I’m also fascinated by animation, interface design, and psychology.

In my free time, you can find me exploring new hiking trails, experimenting with new cooking recipes, or diving into a good book. I’m always seeking opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or collaboration opportunities. 🌟

Get to know more about Shay​
I design digital products combining a user-centered approach ,aligned with a solid product strategy.